Welcome to TaleemDo, your educational need has been completed and now don’t need to find any more. At Taleemdo.com, we are empowering students, teachers by providing high quality study materials that help them to study easily.
Who We Are
TaleemDo is an online educational platform created for the help of students of all classes that offering all study materials including Notes, Books, Syllabus, Guess and Past Papers. Our mission to make the study more easy with the help of expert teachers.
What We Offer
- Notes: Our study solutions are concise and cover all the conceptual points
- Books: We have provided PCTB textbooks
- Syllabus: At current situation we have covered only Punjab board syllabus but in future will cover all other provinces study syllabus and their curriculum.
Our Vision
At TaleemDo.com, we believe that better study resources are the key for bright future. Our vision to provide the quality study materials of all classes with the help of expert teachers. We are providing all the study materials free of cost.