Download the 10th Class Pairing Scheme 2025 for all subjects for the Punjab board. The Punjab board officially released the new matric part 2 (class 10) Paper schemes. We provided 100% authentic pairing schemes for all subjects, including Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Urdu, Islamiat, Tarjuma tul Quran, and Computer. These paring schemes are equally useable for both Urdu and English medium students.

Pairing schemes play a key role during exam preparation. Because these paper patterns give you an idea of what will take the examiner from each Chapters. The examiner uses the exact paper pattern almost yearly, but the board released a new pattern in this session. As a teacher, I suggest students focus on the pairing scheme and start their preparation according to those schemes. By the helping of these pairing Schemes you can prepare for their exams in less time.
Amazing, 100% authentic, Maths Pairing Scheme.
Amazing, 100% authentic, Physics Pairing Scheme.
Amazing, 100% authentic, Chemistry Pairing Scheme.
Amazing, 100% authentic, Biology Pairing Scheme.
Amazing, 100% authentic, English Pairing Scheme.
Amazing, 100% authentic, Urdu Pairing Scheme.
Amazing, 100% authentic, Computer Pairing Scheme.
Amazing, 100% authentic, Islamiat Pairing Scheme.
Pak Studies
Amazing, 100% authentic, Pak Studies Pairing Scheme.
Tarjuma Tul Quran
Amazing, 100% authentic, Tarjuma Tul Quran Pairing Scheme.
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Past Papers
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Pairing Scheme of 10th Class PDF
Our Pairing schemes of the 10th class are also helpful for all Punjab boards, including Bise Lahore Board, Sargodha Board, Sahiwal Board, Faisalabad Board, Rawalpindi Board, Multan Board, Gujranwala Board, and DG Khan Board.
If you are a 10th-class student and can’t afford the help books, we will provide all the materials related to the 10th class in one place. We offered the class 10 textbook, Guess Papers, past papers, and Helping notes. Our senior SST teachers make all these solutions. I especially thank our SST teacher, whose struggle allows middle-class boys to study well and get high marks without any cost on books.
10 Class Pairing Scheme of All Subjects
Here we provided you all subject pairing schemes in PDF format, you can also read or download these pairing schemes.
10th Class Maths Pairing Schemes
10th Class Physics Pairing Schemes
10th Class Chemistry Pairing Schemes
10th Class Biology Pairing Schemes
10th Class English Pairing Schemes
10th Class Urdu Pairing Schemes
10th Class Computer Pairing Schemes
10th Class Islamiat Pairing Schemes
10th Class Tarjuma Tul Quran Pairing Schemes
Only at Taleemdo can you get all the study material from start to end, which means admission to the Result of all the information in one place. All our study material is made by our experts, who spent time in education. Some are employees, SST teachers, and MPhil students.
However, we tried our best to minimize all sorts of mistakes. If you find any errors in our helping material, please message or leave a message below the comment box.