Punjab board 9th class chemistry book is designed to simplify complex topics like atoms, molecules, and the structure of atoms. This book is fully supported by the Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board (PCTB), Lahore, for the upcoming 2025-26 exams, making it an essential tool for every student.

Class 9 Chemistry Book – English & Urdu Medium

Here, you can find the latest Chemistry textbook for class 9 in both Urdu and English medium students.

English Medium

Urdu Medium

this textbooks cover essential topics that are crucial for understanding the subject of chemistry. You can access the book anytime, anywhere, whether studying on your computer or phone. Taleemdo provides textbook resources to ensure that Teachers can effectively teach the course material using examples.

If you are a weak student and want to read notes of all course subjects, no worries. We have also uploaded the chemistry-related material that you can easily read online or download in PDF format.

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